My New Year’s Resolution? Fire More People.

One of my favorite lines from the Lethal Weapon movies is Danny Glover, following a protracted gunfight or car chase, muttering to himself, “I’m too old for this shit.” At some point in the life of a commercial real estate broker, he or she will take a step back, look at a situation and mutter that exact line.

Over my 14+ years in the business, I have been blessed to develop a core group of clients that I would move heaven and earth to take care of. I have worked with up and coming business people who respect the process and respect what this #CRE professional has to offer them. Eventually, they will become part of my core group. I have worked with some one-off clients that have become friends and I have worked with some one-off clients who I will never see again. And, like anybody in this trade, I have worked (and continue to work) with people who are determined to suck out every bit of joy that I seem to find in my job. As a Harry Potter nerd, I like to think of them as Professional Dementors. The more I work with them, the more I feel like my soul is leaving my body.

One of my friends in the #CRE business introduced me to a podcast by Michael Hyatt. In this podcast, Michael talks about How to Get More Cash Cows. Click on the link and read what Michael has to say, but pay particular attention to Quadrant 4 (i.e. The Dogs). These are the folks in your professional world who suck the life out of you. They are the ones who take a tremendous amount of your time yet reward you with little to no profit. They are the ones that cause you to lose sleep or cause you to be short-tempered with your spouse, children, etc. They are the ones you need to fire.

As you go into 2021, make a list of your clients. Identify which clients belong in which Quadrant. If you find any clients have been placed in Quadrant 4 - fire ‘em. It may be tough, but you’ll thank yourself for it later. I can personally attest that ridding yourself of that burdensome client is well worth it. I’ve done it in years past and need to do it again. After all, I’m an adult. I’m too old for “this shit.”

Client X - I’m coming for ya….

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Stay in your lane. I’ll stay in mine.


Thinking of Getting Married? Date First.